Nikki Sommer, a nurse with Key West Surgical Group, joined Good Morning Keys on KeysTalk 96.9/102.5 FM for Medical Matters this morning.
The CDC has warned people to be cautious of sloth fever, a rare insect-based virus that has been cropping up recently. It’s called Oropouche virus.
Sommer said, “I never heard of this before and I was talking to somebody, and it’s like the social media gods were listening, and they put this on my feed. I was like, what is sloth fever? Then it says a potentially fatal virus. So there are cases in the United States, but it is not from the United States.”
Florida’s Health Department reported 30 cases of Oropouche virus in the state that are linked to travel from Cuba and one case was reported in New York.
Sommer said, “It is usually found in animals, and sloth being one of them. It’s transmitted by mosquitoes or infected biting midges, and I believe that’s what was on the animals.”
Between January and August of 2024, 8,000 cases of this virus disease were reported worldwide.
What are the symptoms?
Sommer said, “It starts with fever, chills, headache, muscle aches and pains and joint stiffness. I remember years ago when Dengue was the one that kind of kicked off the mosquito borne illnesses. I’m trying to think 20 years ago, when I moved here, I know that’s when I first heard of mosquito borne illnesses because our climate here is kind of a breeding ground all year round. You might just think you have the flu, because it also can cause sensitivity to light, dizziness, pain behind the eyes, nausea, vomiting and rash.”
Symptoms typically last less than a week, but can in rare cases develop into something more serious.
Sommer said, “The more serious disease can include meningitis, which is inflammation of the membranes around the brain and spinal cord, encephalitis, which is inflammation of the brain or bleeding.”
What about treatment and prevention?
Sommer said, “Insect repellent, with mosquitoes, they tell you to make sure you wear insect repellent and make sure if your window is open, they recommend using a fan outdoors, to keep the bugs away and not having buckets of water, rain water, because mosquitoes like to breed in water.”
With all the rain we’ve been getting, it’s important to remember to dump out standing water.
In terms of sloth fever, it’s also important that pregnant people avoid non essential travel to areas of infection, including Cuba and Brazil.
Sommer said, “The Zika virus is another one that can cause birth defects. This one, apparently can too. So if you’re pregnant, there have been some birth abnormalities associated with sloth fever. So if you’re pregnant, yes, do not travel unless it’s necessary for whatever reason, to the areas of Cuba and Brazil.”
Key West Surgical Group also has the PicoSure pro laser and the Elite iQ.
Sommer said, “The Elite iQ, it is for laser hair removal. It is good for skin conditions such as rosacea and also those little ugly spider veins that could be on your face and your legs. We can help you get rid of those, too.”
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