From fundraisers to state of the county addresses, it’s never a dull moment in Monroe County

Kristen Livengood, Public Information Officer for Monroe County, joined KeysTalk 96.9/102.5FM this morning to discuss what’s been going on in the county.

A fundraiser for the Community Foundation of the Florida Keys was held recently.

Livengood said, “I always like when we’re able to give back to the community in some way. That was really nice.”

The State of the County address was given yesterday by Mayor Craig Cates, where a number of different items were addressed.

The building of the Emergency Operations Center in Marathon, the new airport and the visit to Tallahassee were discussed.

Livengood said, “He went over the priorities of Monroe County government and what we’re asking for in Tallahassee. He talked about our 200 year celebration events that are happening over the next couple of months. It was just a really great little overview of what’s going on in the county.”

The State of the County book was also presented.

The commissioning of the Navy boat the Higbee in May was also reviewed.

Livengood said, “There’s a lot going on in Monroe County right now. It’s a great time to be a resident or a visitor here, that’s for sure.”

Two engineering projects were completed recently in the county.

One was at the Florida Keys Overseas Heritage Trail Connection at Cudjoe Gardens. The cone subdivision of Big Pine Key also had projects completed.

Livengood said, “Our solid waste has been super busy as well. A gentleman had dumped 30 or more mattresses and bed springs on Stock Island. With the help of our Solid Waste Department and the major help of the detectives and everybody at Monroe County Sheriff’s Office, we were able to track down the gentleman who dumped them and arrest him. That’s felony dumping.”

Dumping is illegal and can be a felony on your record. Don’t leave debris on vacant land or on right-of-ways. If you see dumping happening in progress and actively dumping, call 911. If you see trash on the side of the road, call the sheriff’s department – not 911.

Livengood said, “The sheriff’s office can do some investigating to find out whether or not they can charge somebody with that illegal dumping. Our local haulers, our local trash collectors, they will pick up many bulk items at no cost if you just call them. So that’s the most important takeaway when it comes to things like that.”