Get ready for the Key West Rotary Club Golf Tournament this Sunday

Megan McDowell from the Rotary Club of Key West joined Good Morning Keys this morning on KeysTalk 96.9/102.5FM this morning to talk about the Rotary Club Golf Tournament this Sunday at the Key West Golf Club on Stock Island.

Last night was the registration and sponsorship appreciation happy hour.

McDowell said, “It’s going to be a smooth check in on Sunday morning.”

The golf tournament will benefit the Smile Makers Dental Fund and is the 20th annual tournament.

McDowell said, “Actually I’m very passionate about this. It’s the dental fund that funds all the children in Key West to make sure that they have proper dental care. We actually have been able to get a bus that goes around to all the schools so the parents don’t even have to leave work. The kids can just come outside and they get their sealants, they get their checks, and then if they need anything additional the Rotary Club will actually pay for surgeries or send them to Miami if they need extensive work. I’m sure that you’ve had a toothache before and it’s no fun.”

There are still openings for golfers in the tournament.

McDowell said, “We actually had two teams that had to back out. So we were sold out, but now we have two available teams. It’s $175 a player but that includes lunch at the clubhouse, the tournament. We have donated beer and other drinks so you don’t have to spend any money that day on some cocktails. Also, we have hamburgers and hotdogs. Centennial is going to be there cooking for us and breakfast. We’re going to have breakfast there too.”

There will also be additional fundraisers throughout the day.

McDowell said, “HTA is one of our biggest supporters. They’ve been supporting us for years. We couldn’t do this without their support. Also Faustos, they are a big sponsor for this tournament, and they’re also giving some of the foods. So if you’re golfing on Sunday, you’re going be able to eat amazing Faustos food.”

How can people sign up to take part in the tournament?

McDowell said, “I think the best way would go to the rotary Facebook page because we have the signup link there.”

With the online registration new this year, it should make everything flow quite smoothly on Sunday.

The appreciation happy hour last night turned out quite well.

McDowell said, “Conch Republic helped us out. They put on a great event for us. We had a great turnout and we were able to get everybody signed up and it was a great time. It was a beautiful evening.”

This will also be the first year giving cash prizes.

McDowell said, “We’re going to have the actual Dental Fund van there for people to tour and see where their money has gone over the 20 years.”