Jennifer McComb, president and CEO of the Community Foundation of the Florida Keys, joined Good Morning Keys on KeysTalk 96.9/102.5FM this morning to talk about what’s been going on with the organization.
This is the time of year for scholarships.
McComb said, “We give out a whole bunch of money this month and it’s really fun for me. I think it’s probably my favorite time of the year.”
On May 24 at 6 p.m. at Key West High School is Senior Night where thousands of dollars in scholarships are given out.
McComb said, “We actually have two new ones this year. One is the Ms. Betty scholarship, also known as the cookie woman. Everybody loved her. I wish I’d gotten to meet her because apparently every single person she touched and met really changed. She passed away on December 4 and her friends decided to contact the Community Foundation and set up a permanent scholarship.”
So the first scholarship from the Ms. Betty Hospitality & Culinary Scholarship Fund will be presented next week. For more information on the fund, click here:
The Community Foundation board of directors has some new members.
Bobby Highsmith rejoined the board last month. He’s an estate attorney.
Ken Silverman joined the board. He is a graduate of MIT and retired to Key West in 2012. He will have his first board meeting today.
The Community Foundation has awarded more than $34 million in grants since it began in 1996, but volunteerism is also important to the mission.
McComb said, “Our signature event every year is an unsung heroes event where we honor over 80 nonprofit unsung heroes which is our volunteers of the year in the beginning of the year. Nonprofits kept telling us we’re happy that you honor our volunteer of the year, but we need some help getting volunteers and keeping volunteers, retaining them.”
Last August the Florida Keys Volunteer Center began. It’s at
McComb said, “Anyone can go on for free and check out the opportunities, sign up to get our emails. Any nonprofit can list an opportunity totally for free and get volunteers. It’s hard to get labor down here so when it’s free, it really makes a difference in our community.”
To create a scholarship to give back to the community, call 305-292-1502 or click here:
“The Community Foundation is a great place to create a scholarship because we’re going to be here forever,” McComb said, “We can create a fund for you that will make out grants or scholarships in perpetuity.”