If you are an artist in the Keys, you’ve got to check out Florida Keys Council of the Arts

One organization that definitely stays busy in the Keys is the Florida Council of the Arts.

Liz Young, executive director of Florida Council of the Arts, joined Good Morning Keys this week on KeysTalk 96.9/102.5FM to talk about various projects.

The Arts Council handled the public art project in the new Plantation Key Courthouse.

Young said, “So anybody who’s doing jury duty or is in court will see all of our beautiful art installations in that building. Really stunning work and really great fun.”

The Council of the Arts will have a holiday membership party on December 6.

“We lift the curtain for the art season, I like to say,” Young noted. “People that are members and supporting the Arts Council, we kick off the season. We always call it our celebrate the season. It’s not really quite a fundraiser, it’s more of a just really opening the season to explain how the Arts Council is behind the scenes, pushing all the other artists and art non-profits forward. We do so much promotion and connection of everything that is going on and really promoting the destination for its rich arts and culture.”

A number of guides and magazines are going into production.

Young said, “I just proofread the Constant Contact e-blast that will be announcing a half a million dollar call to artists for proposals for the city’s public art program for the historic sea port.”

After the first of the year there will be more than $400,000 for three projects in the new Key West Airport terminal.

Public art is also needed for sculpture on loan for the 1400 Duval Pocket Park.

“We’ve had six sculptures installed for two years,” Young explained. “It’s time to swap it out, so that’s exciting.”

The connections project will focus on Monroe County’s bicentennial. It will be called The Connections Project: Celebrating our Unique History.

More than 300 6×8 canvasses will be handed out to assemble the big mosaic project.

“That will be launching with a big opening in Key Largo the first week of February,” Young said. “So we are rocking and rolling. So much going on.”

Mallory Square and Truman Waterfront Park are also on the list for projects.

The Florida Keys Council of the Arts provides excellence in leadership, advocacy, education and financial support for artists, cultural organizations and citizens of Monroe County.

Mike Stapleford of KeysTalk 96.9/102.5FM said, “Obviously you’re having an effect because it seems like every year we have more and more arts happenings here in the Keys and you all are at the forefront of that.”

Young said, “We feel the support of the community and we want to have a vibrant, thriving community.”

For a full list of all the events, click here: https://keysarts.com/