Volunteers are the key for many non-profit organizations and the American Red Cross loves their volunteers.
Marta Oppenheimer, volunteer recruiter for the Red Cross in the Keys, joined Good Morning Keys on KeysTalk 96.9/102.5FM this morning to talk about the need for volunteers.
In order for the Red Cross to continue to provide services, volunteers are always needed, especially in Monroe County.
The Red Cross helps with home fires and in bad weather situations.
Even after the disasters, Red Cross volunteers continue to help.
Oppenheimer said, “When families go through a disaster, we want to be able to help you right away. Sometimes the closest volunteer could be hours away.”
The only way to respond quickly is to have volunteers ready in the Keys.
The Red Cross provides basic needs of shelter, clothing and food. Volunteers are needed both before a disaster and after.
Oppenheimer said, “We need people to help us teach preparedness, to teach people how to prepare for a disaster.”
Following a disaster, families need help putting their lives back together.
The Red Cross also helps the armed services and their families.
Volunteer opportunities can include as many hours as someone is wiling or able to give and training is provided.
Oppenheimer said, “You can hold multiple positions. It is a wonderful place to find different ways to help.”
The main need for volunteers in the Keys is disaster help, particularly with house fires.
There are also volunteer opportunities for youth and young adults, as well.
For anyone interested in volunteering, click here: https://www.redcross.org/local/florida/south-florida/volunteer.html