Marathon Community Theater needs YOUR help!

Linda Diaz, president of the Marathon Community Theater, joined Good Morning Keys on KeysTalk 96.9/102.5FM this morning to talk about the organization.

The theater has been in the area for more than 80 years.

Michael Stapleford of KeysTalk said, “The Marathon Community Theater is such a treasure of the Middle Keys. It is the home of excellent theater and culture in our community, such a form of entertainment. The cinema as well, runs first rate movies and first run movies. Again it is such a center for the community of Marathon and the entire Keys overall.”

The building is in need of some help, though.

Diaz said, “The building has been there since 1959 and the roof has not been replaced since then, and we all know since then, the hurricanes that have come through, I’ve been in the keys for 37 years, and it is amazing the storms that we’ve had, and we’ve been told by different contractors that this building will not make it through another hurricane season, so we’ve started a campaign. We’re calling it, Remembering the Past and Restoring the Future, because our past and our roots in the community are huge, and we have lots of plans for the future. We want to have a place to be able to implement those plans. The roof alone is going to be near $300,000 to repair. We are all volunteers, and we have just one full time employee out of the whole organization, and we have an anonymous donor that actually our first $50,000 that we can raise, they will match that for us, which would really help get us on the road.”

Diaz is also the principal of Stanley Switlik Elementary School.

She said, “This is my second year as principal, but my 33rd year as the Monroe County School District educator. So I’m passionate about the kids, but I’m also passionate about having things in the community that the kids and families can do. So these two roles that I play, they go together very well, because it really is something that can enrich our lives.”

The Marathon Community Theater has included children for many years and is a very, very important part of the upbringing of our community students.

Diaz said, “It is and our summer program, the shows that we do are amazing, and the time and the dedication, every single person that’s there is volunteering to do it, and we’re so grateful for the involvement, and when you’re in a situation where you’re up on that stage and you’re looking out at the faces in the audience, and you see so many families and friends that are there to support you, it makes a tremendous difference.”

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